Welcome to the Puppypedia!!

This is where I keep all you need to know about the little characters that inhabit my world!

It is currently under construction so, don't expect a lot on this website yet.

DO expect some changes and new things to be added or removed here frequently though!

You can follow it while you're here!

Unnecesary update log!

  • Made a slight tweak on the exit door. (08/09/24)
  • Saw that? That was a warning for eyestrain! I figured that the background was gonna hurt some people's eyes. (25/08/24*)
  • The meet the owner page is currently slightly prettier looking! (23/08/24)
  • Now there's a proper logo which you are seeing now! (21/08/24)
  • oh hey, this website has a button. (20/08/24)
  • The exit door actually works now! (12/08/24)
  • Added an update log. Definitely what this encyclopedia needs! (10/08/24)
  • * it's just a screen now.

    Got something to say or just want to engage in a conversation?

    Write in this guestbook!